If no FALLING_SOUND is defined for OUR_HERO in DDFTHINGS, then EDGE crashes if you fall from a great height. BUT! Not always. a bit random.
It would seem that EDGE tries to find the entry, and when it doesn't find it, it sometimes crashes to desktop.
EDGE crashes when falling from a great height
Re: EDGE crashes when falling from a great height
Awaiting verification; as you discovered and so kindly fixed, the entry wasn't created as a null sound effect in the sfx struct beforehand - which would indeed lead to the crashing behaviour. I also added this for the other new sounds (gloopsound, secretsound).
\(סּںסּَ` )/ۜ
Re: EDGE crashes when falling from a great height
Looking good.
Not crashing in 2.1.0pre-165-g4116bf025
Not crashing in 2.1.0pre-165-g4116bf025