So I’ve noticed an issue in 3dge - if I fire a weapon while in motion the gun won’t fire. If I’m stationary and then start to shoot the motion of the player has no effect (the gun fires)
Is this a bug? I’ve been looking at the ddf code and wondering if this has something to do with the check_moving or check_activity code in the player (our hero) Ddf?
Thanks in advance
[Non-Issue] Can’t shoot weapon while moving
Re: Can’t shoot weapon while moving
What version are you using? One of the Devbuilds, or Test2 from last year?
As soon as i have more info I'll look into it 

\(סּںסּَ` )/ۜ
Re: Can’t shoot weapon while moving
I think I’m using the latest test build
Re: Can’t shoot weapon while moving
Eventually figured this out - not 3dge related - was using a laptop and touchpad settings had caused the issue