Rules for Opening a Support Ticket!

If you are having a problem with your product, technical issues with saving, or console trouble, please create a ticket here and we will get back to you shortly, or browse through other known/solved issues.

PLEASE NOTE: This KB is ONLY for SLaVE - requests for other games or engine help will be removed.
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Rules for Opening a Support Ticket!

Post by Corbachu »

There are a few rules to opening up one of these, and I'll briefly touch basis on that.

1) You *MUST* attach a prefix to your post explaining the issue. The following are available:

Then, when one of the support team reviews it, your Topic Title will change to inform that the issue is being dealt with. A successful issue results in a "Checkmark Icon" and a closed ticket upon successful closing.

Please, look through existing tickets and make sure your issue has not been brought up before.

Isotope SoftWorks
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