Dream3DGE Editing Guide

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Dream3DGE Editing Guide

Post by Corbachu »

DDF stands for "Doom Definition Format", and is a core feature of EDGE. Using easy to understand text files, DDF lets you define new monsters, weapons, scenery, as well as create your own linedef and sector types, intermission screens, texture animations, and much much more!
Currently the DDF documentation is being reworked and is not available yet. The "unofficial" version can be found HERE.

DeHackEd patches are a old method for modifying the behaviour of weapons and monsters, and for changing text strings. People sometimes still use it because it is supported by most DOOM ports. EDGE has excellent support for DeHackEd patches. See the 'Compliance' page for more details.
Well guys, I've managed to dig up some DDFs relative to Dream3DGE (rather than the new stuff), so register and you can download the tutorials! They are very informative and even come with tutorials on how to create your first weapons!

These will walk you through explaining the scripting language we use to create monsters, weapons, special effects, linetypes - everything you need! Next up we'll be uploading the RTS documentation so you can get to scripting level events! The file attached is what you will need for your DDF tutorials (must register first).

Special thanks to Lobo for writing these up all those years ago!

RTS stands for "Radius Trigger Script". RTS is not intended to replace DDF, but accents and enhances DDF. Using both DDF and RTS together, you can create amazing events that even Quake 2 is not capable of.
With RTS, you can create scripted events that cannot be controlled by linedef triggers alone, such as a simple on-screen tip message, multiple linetypes being triggered by one switch, or a complex event where an entire structure is destroyed, monsters are spawned, sounds are played, and light levels are changed dramatically.
The RTS Guide is hosted at the original EDGE site:

Some of the functions will not work with 1.29, so post here if you are having problems and I'll be glad to help out!

This page hosted externally at the original EDGE page, you can find an editing guide which walks you through the basic linetypes, extended scrolling effects, BOOM compatibility, all of the juicy bits you might need while on your Dream3DGE adventure!

-3DGE Team
DDF tutorials for Dream3DGE 1.29
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