Dream3dge is coming...

New section dedicated to the Dreamcast port of EDGE. Technical problems, compile issues, and other stuff relating to only this branch should be made here.
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Re: Dream3dge is coming...

Post by 3rd_3ye »

So we have a video from Coraline of J. Townsend's Sl@ve running on DC hardware. 2 years from DC emulator to hardware! I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought this would not have been such a hell of a journey! Everything works, sound, menus, even map change outs no longer hang. The only real issue left is the load times. If there's someone out there who can find us a tighter glBSP, sound off.

@RUNSABER I take it you've been in contact with Coraline. FIERCE would be awesome on the the DC!
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