Feel like undertaking your own EDGE project/mod? Announce and discuss it here! You are also free to talk about past EDGE projects from the days of yonder.
So far so good! I had a blast playing through it, I love the Doom64-ish vibe mixed in with the unique features of the mod. It truly feels like an 3DGE-only thing
One thing though, shift the height of all monsters in Things.DDF to a few units above the default because the sprite is too tall for the bounding box, effectively rendering mouselook w/o autoaim null.
If anything I would recommend to scale the Doom64 sprites as they are slightly bigger than vanilla DOOM. I feel like a midget when playing, and it somewhat takes away the whole feel of empowerment.
I did a gameplay mod ages ago with Doom 64 stuff. If you're interested, I could PM it to you. You might find something useful, resources or code.
New update: 3DGE 64 is now at version II after a year of learning DDF and sitting on my drive. PNG sprite updates will come in the next update when I tirelessly import and define them. Which will be a long time as I am taking a much needed break from Dooming altogether.
A wiki article on 3DGE 64 will be added soon.
Jumping & Crouching isn't allowed, but you can turn these settings on via the Options menu if you wish!
Included is the Redeemer Edition, a stand-alone WAD for other PWADs such as Requiem, Memento Mori, Scythe, and other levels.
This mod will work on Boom-Compatible wads, all Doom IWADs and vanilla maps. 3DGE 2.0 or later is recommended.
Current Map Rotation: MAP01: The Mansion by Midway converted by Samuel Villarreal, modified by RUNSABER -I Own Doom for casual players. Watch Me Die for a true challenge. MAP02: Hell Gate by Midway converted by Samuel Villarreal, modified by RUNSABER -I Own Doom for casual players. Watch me Die for a true challenge. MAP03: Crathes by RUNSABER(In-Progress) -I Own Doom for casual players. Watch Me Die for tough players.
Code Motherdemon, replace Revenant & Archvile sprites with appropriate ones to fit the game's mood.
Code Dartshot & Unmaker.
Finetune particle effects.
Map shit.
Test Dreamcast and Splitscreen compatibility. Probably
Style: Medium-sized map/Gothic theme
Difficulty: 3/5 I Own Doom - Difficulty: 5/5 Watch Me Die (Higher Enemy Count + Tougher Situations)
Creative Time: 1 Day
Status: 90% complete: Needs balanced difficulty settings/proper tags/sequence fixes
The goal of Admonish is to survive a pit of monsters, while discovering skull artifacts to interact with etherial flames. Use the flames and their secrets to exit through the Dynamic teleporter.
There are two ways to play this map: You can speedrun it to save ammo for stronger tanks or play it safe. Unfortunately no direction is guaranteed to be safe as Hell Knights, Cacodemons and projectile-homing foes make surviving just more toxic than the pain caused from making the wrong move. I Own Doom and Hurt Me Plenty is the recommended difficulty. You start off with a Shotgun and Battle Rifle and a pit of flesh-hungry evil.
In-game Screenshots on Ultra-Violence:
Admonish is now added to the 3DGE64 Map Rotation.
This map may slow computers with older/outdated graphic drivers down. Looking into optimizing BSP outputs.
Notes: I couldnt stay away from mapping like I wanted, and now there are double the maps than the first two Villarreal maps, 100% user-created content. Maps range in small-medium sizes for a fairly enjoyable experience for all users both low and high-end. Also, huge thanks and mefa-ups to the Russian players interested in 3DGE - if you guys can get the 3DO to run 3DGE I'd be down for buying a super-powered 128-bit console. Until then, Dreamcast compatibility is only a dream approaching sooner than later! Next maps will be a toxic sludge maze titled "Underbelly" and a evil-tech facility outpost created by the demons hand.
Gave it a spin and I enjoyed it, atmospheric and moody just like the original. I had to crank up the brightness as I could hardly see anything and got lost constantly as a result of this. I know this is more or less a side effect of the darker palette in Doom 64, though.
Not a fan of the mixing of Doom 64 and PC Doom sprites & textures, what we get is a clash in style. Doom 64 had one single distinct art style, which partly is what made it into what it is, whereas Doom (PC) had a little more varied and colorful style. Some people like to claim that Doom had its own unique style, but this isn't the case. They were experimenting with a lot of stuff. Some enemies were scanned from clay models while others were drawn from scratch, pixel by pixel with the weapons mostly based on toy guns. Not sure where those darn gloves came from, though.