Welcome to EDGE64 (previously 3DGE64). This project has been in development since the year of 2015. It all started with learning how the EDGE sourceport worked, and to find a port to modify that had features that were easy to understand and use. DECORATE, ACS and now ZScripting tended to be a bit complicated for my taste back in those years, so after learning DEHACKED from prBoom mapping, I felt it natural to try my hand at Doom Definition Files. 7 years later, I can code weapons, effect behavior and all sorts of things without much need of a reference. Oddly enough, DECORATE became easier to read the more I understood DDF. Back to the mod! I've created a map for 32 Heretics Challenge, released Astral Pathfinder Season One for EDGE, and I'm currently working on Season Two and hoping to help the EDGE Community on a Wild-West themed hub mod called Wanted. Next in the future is a Goldeneye-styled espionage shooter inspired by Timesplitters Future Perfect. Not only is this set an educational map of my progress as a modder, it is a labor of love, pouring from years of studying Doom 64 as a kid and enjoying the atmospheric nature of the game. It is safe to say I LIVED in Doom 64 for 7 years straight. This mod *humbly* exists as a definitive showcase of EDGE's power, next to Aliens and Duke It Out in Doom.
FeaturesWelcome to EDGE 64, a dimension of Doom inspired by the events of Doom 64.
You control a middle rank space marine, hearing rumors of a single man
destroying the forces of Hell and getting back to Earth away from the desolate
emptiness of space. You take your inspiration and pride to the dropship to land
on a research facility that has a time-displacement gate at its peak. Using this
gate, you could theoretically jump through one teleportation destination to the
next. The question is... what lies beyond, on the other side? Only one way to
find out.
EDGE64 brings 3D floors, dynamic lighting, scripted events, and new weapons to EDGE source port. The project has been active since 2015, and is nearing total completion. The mod contains 13 base levels, 3 secret levels and one special level. The special level uses the Skirmish Mode script, a wave-based arena that rewards pinnacle armor and weapons, a good way to grind up weapon upgrades or get armor that you normally cannot find in the base map rotation. An original track by Aubrey Hodges has been remixed from scratch from myself for the mod. Reach MAP32 to hear it. Room over room effects, fading 3D floors, dynamic global scripting, animated title screens and video, sliding doors like gates, bars, and many more features are implemented into this mod!
As it stands, the game is near 100% completion, with only a few final adjustments to finale levels and scripted events to account for. This also includes the camera system which will be fully implemented by Beta 3. You can play from MAP01 to the entirety of MAP11 before you're warped back to the main Doom II map rotation. Secret level one is accessible through MAP04, while Levels 31 and 32 are accessible through each other, meaning you must complete MAP31 without dying to reach the MAP32 or else you will be skipped to MAP09 AND lose any weapon or armor progression you earned previously.
Difficulty Implementation:
Some maps have less enemies and different items depending on the difficulty you choose. Rarely, will the placement make a difference, so Hurt Me Plenty is recommended for a first time play through. Ultraviolence is available for a challenge should you choose to play quickly or slowly throughout the game.
Builds, Downloads and Documentation:
You must own Doom 2 in order for this mod to run appropriately.
-Beta 2 is now availble! https://ufile.io/tuw4wxm0
Requires 3DGE Devbuild to run: https://devbuilds.drdteam.org/3dge/EDGE ... 31b872b.7z
-Beta 2 is currently unavailable for EDGE Classic. We are working on compiling an exclusive WAD download for this engine moving forward!
Changelog/Debug Information: