"Now less half-ass and more bad-ass."
(outdated and lame) screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/b3IaV#9
Question: "So what the hell is Doom Forever?"
Answer: "Enhancement mod for 3DGE. Sort of like brutal DOOM but more retro, less exaggerated, less bullshit and with balance and gameplay that sticks closer to vanilla DOOM."
Question: "So what's difference between this and the original DF?"
Answer: "I'll tell ya..."
Need headbanging music to go with it?
IDKFA DOOM 1/Ultimate DOOM soundtrack (added 3DGE support): http://www.mediafire.com/download/91wx9 ... Av3dge.wad
DOOM Metal Soundtrack for DOOM 1 & 2: http://www.mediafire.com/download/nqvwp ... alVol4.zip
Remastered DOOM 1 & 2 music by Shane Strife: http://www.mediafire.com/download/dbd3y ... 4music.zip