Slopes cause odd slow down of player movement

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Slopes cause odd slow down of player movement

Post by Lobo »

Slopes have some wierd physics issues when going up and down the stairs (sort of an odd, random, slowdown of player speed). I reported this on Discord a few months ago with one of my maps, where in that case just moving towards some slopes caused the issue: you didn't even have to actually move across(through?) the slopes.

It can be experienced to a lesser extent in the slopes demo(demo-Slopes.wad) that shipped with Edge 1.35. Just go up and down them a few times, maybe even moving backwards.
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Actually here's a perfect example of the issue: going up the slope not too bad, but when you come down the other side it's like you're moving through quicksand:
(8.35 KiB) Downloaded 1028 times

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Re: Slopes cause odd slow down of player movement

Post by Corbachu »

Something I’ve long wanted to do. As a result of improving existing EDGE slopes, but then later adding vertex heights might have borked them (UDMF).

@Lobo: I’ll start looking into it! Is there a way you can create a map with UDM slopes to test that piece as well?
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