First of all, I notice that on the list of planned features, there is "Quake 3 BSP support." This sounds very interesting, but how is it intended to work? Would 3DGE be just running either a Doom map or a Quake map? Or would 3DGE be running a Doom map with Quake 3 BSP inside it? (So like if I wanted to make a structure, instead of building it out of sectors, I could build it in a quake editor and them just import a whole structure into my map.)
I'm also curious how likely this is to happen, and what sort of timeframe it would be before we see it. Sure, there are other things taking priority like the inventory system. But I am new here so I don't know if this is some "pie in the sky" sort of plan, or if the engine already has some of the groundwork laid.
My second technical question is about overlapping sectors. So I have seen that 3DGE does allow the "3D floors" trick of having sectors that become room-over-room, but while functional, some designs are a bit tricky to pull off. What might be simpler is an overlapping sector, so I can build a room over another room, and freely build the geometry without concern for setting up the geometry in the room below it. Now granted, we're not talking about emulating how Build can use overlapping sectors to warp reality; I'm just talking about overlapping sectors to create 3D geometry. After all, this is technically a 3D engine, rendering 3D geometry. I am thinking of just using the sectors as snippets of 3D geometry.
I just made a quick test in Doom Builder, and it will let me actually create what I am thinking about, and render it correctly within the editor:
...But in 3DGE, not so much.
I was also blocked by the walls.
I'm curious if there are plans to improve this in the future. Especially if the engine is going to support Quake 3 BSP, it might need the capacity to render this properly. But then again, is this even possible? Is it within the engine's capacity without a major overhaul?
And finally, one other stray thought.
I know this was not possible in the original Doom engine, but I don't know the inner-workings of 3DGE, so...
Is it possible for 3DGE to move the vertices of a sector in-game? To re-size and re-shape sectors? I mean, once again, this is now a 3D engine rendering geometry with OpenGL. So the renderer wouldn't care what is stationary and what is not. But has 3DGE drifted far enough away form the original Doom that this could be possible?
Granted, anything you want to do still needs to be programmed in, so as to instruct the engine HOW to re-shape the sectors. But is this something that is technically possible? Or rather, technically possible without completely overhauling the engine?
I was just curious; just thinking about ways I might extend the capabilities of what I build.